The location of wisdom teeth - Wisdom teeth are the third molars, There are four wisdom teeth. located in the back of our mouth. Wisdom teeth will usually appear at between the ages of 16 and 21. The following is a picture of wisdom teeth.

Sometimes, Wisdom teeth and other teeth huddle caused pain. wisdom teeth do not properly grow or have no room (overcrowding) to grow teeth in your mouth, These symptoms are called impacted wisdom teeth. Impacted teeth is no way to prevent.
The most common impacted wisdom teeth symptoms include cavities, gum inflammation (swollen gums), bad breath and crowding of other teeth.
Home Remedies for Wisdom Teeth Pain - Garlic, Onion and Cloves ( clove oil). Home remedies may only provide temporary treatment.
dentists can provide some pain medication, In most cases, dentists will be advised to remove the impact of the wisdom teeth. If bad wisdom teeth are not timely removed, they can huddle other teeth out of position, harm nearby teeth.
Finally, if you have wisdom tooth pain, please visit the stomatologist or your dentist.
The most common impacted wisdom teeth symptoms include cavities, gum inflammation (swollen gums), bad breath and crowding of other teeth.
Home Remedies for Wisdom Teeth Pain - Garlic, Onion and Cloves ( clove oil). Home remedies may only provide temporary treatment.
dentists can provide some pain medication, In most cases, dentists will be advised to remove the impact of the wisdom teeth. If bad wisdom teeth are not timely removed, they can huddle other teeth out of position, harm nearby teeth.
Finally, if you have wisdom tooth pain, please visit the stomatologist or your dentist.