Muscle spasms - Leg, foot, hand spasm causes and prevention

Common causes of muscle spasm, Helpful information and tips on how to get rid of leg, foot and hand muscle cramps.

Muscle spasms ( cramp ) are the automatic tautening of muscles. usually, spasm is exceeding pain. Muscle spasms can happen in many parts of your body ( Most common in the hands, feet, and calves ).

The common cause of muscle spasms are:

lack of hydration

strenuous exercise


deficiency in salts and electrolytes

straitness of the artery

muscle spasm

The best way To prevent muscle spasms

Keep the body well hydrated.

Medications and use warm compress may alleviate the pain.

Excessive fatigue should be avoided.

Nutritional balance, Proper nutrition is also important, Supplemental magnesium, calcium or potassium may be very helpful.

Warm up properly before you strenuous exercise.

Massage to help blood circulate better.

Extreme relaxation and exercise can also be very helpful.