Numbness in hands - Causes and treatments of hand numbness

A comprehensive guide to hand numbness causes and treatments, Useful Information about disease causation, therapy guide. Answers to your questions about left and right hand numbness.

hand numbness

Generally, Hand numbness can be caused by

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Nerve damage (Brachial Plexus Injury)

Chronic kidney disease


Diabetes (Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy)


Systemic scleroderma

Bone dislocations and fractures


1. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure of the median nerve.

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome:

Numbness and burning in hand. worsen at night.

Pain in your forearm

proper treatment can alleviate pain, numbness and tingling, Common treatment may include use splints or braces, anti-inflammatory medications, cortisone injections. Surgery is usually only recommended for severe of carpal tunnel syndrome.

2. Hand numbness in pregnancy

During pregnancy, Nerves tunnel of wrist can become swollen, Along with many other parts of the body. pregnancy can cause pressure on the median nerve. Usually, CTS will disappear after the birth of the baby.