Appendicitis in children - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Information about appendicitis in children, include causes, symptoms and treatment for appendicitis in child. Disease causation, therapy guide.

Appendicitis can happen to anyone at any time, but it occurs most often between the ages of 8 and 30. Appendicitis( appendix inflammation ) is the most common pediatric disease in children.

Symptoms of appendicitis may include:

Abdomen pain
Loss of appetite - anorexia
Nausea and Vomiting
urinate frequently

Causes of appendicitis

The cause of appendicitis isn't known,
stomach infection

Obstruction - a hard piece of stool may have got trapped in the appendix. The bacteria in the trapped stool may then have infected the appendix. the entrance to the appendix being blocked may have triggered the inflammation.

There is no single diagnosis for appendicitis. Integrative tests including: blood tests and x-rays ( CT scans are more exact than x-rays )

Treatment of Appendicitis in Children

The treatment include: intravenous fluid and antibiotics, Surgery to remove the appendix (appendectomy), The best way is through an appendectomy. 2 to 3 day hospital stay is required.

In conclusion, appendicitis is a very exigent illness that can not be taken lightly. If you suspect your child has appendicitis, call your doctor or go to the emergency room as soon as possible.