Nasal inflammation causes and treatments

Information about nasal inflammation causes, symptoms and treatment for ear pain, and with links to other useful resources.

Rhinitis refers to the nasal mucosa and submucosal tissue inflammation. Manifested as hyperemia or edema, often occur in patients with nasal congestion, flow of water tears, nasal itching, throat discomfort, coughing and other symptoms.
Comprehensive prevention and treatment of nasal disease, the simplest and most effective treatment method is saline nasal wash method. Through from time to time, such as morning and evening, rinse the nasal cavity, nasal cilia to help clean up hazardous substances, so that the number of bacteria to keep the nasal cavity within the normal range, or reduce the number of bacteria to avoid the vicious cycle and the gradual elimination of inflammation.

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Muscle spasms - Leg, foot, hand spasm causes and prevention

Common causes of muscle spasm, Helpful information and tips on how to get rid of leg, foot and hand muscle cramps.

Muscle spasms ( cramp ) are the automatic tautening of muscles. usually, spasm is exceeding pain. Muscle spasms can happen in many parts of your body ( Most common in the hands, feet, and calves ).

The common cause of muscle spasms are:

lack of hydration

strenuous exercise


deficiency in salts and electrolytes

straitness of the artery

muscle spasm

The best way To prevent muscle spasms

Keep the body well hydrated.

Medications and use warm compress may alleviate the pain.

Excessive fatigue should be avoided.

Nutritional balance, Proper nutrition is also important, Supplemental magnesium, calcium or potassium may be very helpful.

Warm up properly before you strenuous exercise.

Massage to help blood circulate better.

Extreme relaxation and exercise can also be very helpful.

Face numbness - causes and treatments

Numbness in right (left) side of face, Face numbness information Include numb face causes and treatments , Find best ways of prevention and cure for face disease.

The trigeminal nerve dominate feel of facial, Any damage of the trigeminal nerve sensory branch and the conductive fiber lesions, may produce facial numbness. Cervical spondylosis can cause the left facial numbness,
Treatment usually takes can be taken to massage, traction, acupuncture, and other conservative treatment.

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(1) List of 20 causes of Numb face and Numbness, Symptom Checker. alternative diagnoses, rare causes, misdiagnoses, patient stories, and much more. Continue reading ...

(2) List of 3 disease causes of Numb face, patient stories, diagnostic guides, medical books excerpts online about Numb face. Continue reading ...

(3) Facial numbness is a loss of sensation of feeling in an area of the face. Numbness may be due to injury or damage to the nerves that supply the face or due ... Continue reading ...

(4) Numbness in face symptoms and conditions, Browse user symptoms with Numbness in face. See medications that can cause Numbness in face. Continue reading ...

Written by: JR WOTINY MA, RJ
Written: December 22, 2009
Last Updated: Published By: PARY.

Left and right foot numbness - Causes and treatments of foot numbness

Information about numbness in foot, Include numb feet causes and treatments , Answers to your questions about left and right foot numbness.

Foot numbness usually arises from disease of nerves.

[Some common causes of foot numbness:]

  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Drug reaction
  • Diabetic peripheral neuropathy

    Elevated blood sugar level directly damage the nerves

  • Alcoholism
  • Sciatic nerve pain syndromes
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Nerve root compression
  • Leprosy
  • Renal failure
  • Diabetes
  • herniated disk in your back
  • low blood pressure ( bring on poor circulation of blood )

    Treatments for numbness in foot:

    Treatment will depend on the detailed cause and symptoms. We hope you find the best way to get rid of feet diseases.

    This page is not intended to offer specific diagnosis, Therefore,This is not a substitute for professional medical advice, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

  • Numbness in hands - Causes and treatments of hand numbness

    A comprehensive guide to hand numbness causes and treatments, Useful Information about disease causation, therapy guide. Answers to your questions about left and right hand numbness.

    hand numbness

    Generally, Hand numbness can be caused by

    Carpal tunnel syndrome

    Nerve damage (Brachial Plexus Injury)

    Chronic kidney disease


    Diabetes (Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy)


    Systemic scleroderma

    Bone dislocations and fractures


    1. Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure of the median nerve.

    Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome:

    Numbness and burning in hand. worsen at night.

    Pain in your forearm

    proper treatment can alleviate pain, numbness and tingling, Common treatment may include use splints or braces, anti-inflammatory medications, cortisone injections. Surgery is usually only recommended for severe of carpal tunnel syndrome.

    2. Hand numbness in pregnancy

    During pregnancy, Nerves tunnel of wrist can become swollen, Along with many other parts of the body. pregnancy can cause pressure on the median nerve. Usually, CTS will disappear after the birth of the baby.

    Appendicitis in children - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

    Information about appendicitis in children, include causes, symptoms and treatment for appendicitis in child. Disease causation, therapy guide.

    Appendicitis can happen to anyone at any time, but it occurs most often between the ages of 8 and 30. Appendicitis( appendix inflammation ) is the most common pediatric disease in children.

    Symptoms of appendicitis may include:

    Abdomen pain
    Loss of appetite - anorexia
    Nausea and Vomiting
    urinate frequently

    Causes of appendicitis

    The cause of appendicitis isn't known,
    stomach infection

    Obstruction - a hard piece of stool may have got trapped in the appendix. The bacteria in the trapped stool may then have infected the appendix. the entrance to the appendix being blocked may have triggered the inflammation.

    There is no single diagnosis for appendicitis. Integrative tests including: blood tests and x-rays ( CT scans are more exact than x-rays )

    Treatment of Appendicitis in Children

    The treatment include: intravenous fluid and antibiotics, Surgery to remove the appendix (appendectomy), The best way is through an appendectomy. 2 to 3 day hospital stay is required.

    In conclusion, appendicitis is a very exigent illness that can not be taken lightly. If you suspect your child has appendicitis, call your doctor or go to the emergency room as soon as possible.