Throat pain - Causes, Symptoms, Treatments of throat pain

Throat pain information, Include causes, prevention and treatment of throat pain. Learn and find all the information you need to know about throat pain.

Throat pain may be caused by:

Acute bronchitis - Acute bronchitis is usually caused by bacterium or viruses. Most acute bronchitis do not require extraordinary medical treatment. Home treatment may include: Drink lots of fluids to prevent dehydration, stopping smoking, enough rest, Using ibuprofen or aspirin to alleviate body aches.

Common cold or Influenza - Most colds are caused by rhinovirus or influenza virus in the air that can cause a throat pain and headache.

Laryngeal cancer - The treatment for laryngeal cancer include radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgical laser therapy, partial or total laryngectomy.

Cancer of the larynx is not infectious and benign tumours don't infect to other parts of the body.

Peritonsillar abscess

Pharyngitis - Pharyngitis is a throat pain caused by inflammation of the back of the throat. Most symptom of pharyngitis occur during the colder season. Bacteria that can cause pharyngitis include streptococcus and neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Warm salt water gargles and plenty of sleep can be helpful for pharyngitis treatment.

Tonsillitis - Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils that causes inflammation.

Some common causes of tonsillitis includes: Streptococcus, cold and glandular fever.

Home treatment of tonsillitis include : Gargling with warm salt water. Pain relievers, acetaminophen can help relieve sore throat pain, Get plenty of rest.

Usually,Tonsillitis treated with antibiotics. If tonsillitis is recurring, Most doctors recommend a tonsillectomy.