Heel Pain - Prevention, Causes and treatment for heel pain

Heel pain causes, symptoms and heel pain treatment. Disease causation, therapy guide. Best way, Answers to your questions about heel pain.

The most common causes of heel pain include: Plantar fasciitis ( surgery is a last method ), Heel spur, Bursitis and Achilles tendonitis.


Heel pain is anything that affects the heel, so it can be as simple as a blister. It can be more complicated, Like a verruca that's hurting you, or obviously a splinter or anything like that. Heel pain classically is where the plantar fascia. Which is a deep tendon that attaches to the heel bone, Starts to get inflamed and sore. The terms are fairly interchangeable between heel pain and plantar fasciitis. Heel pain is a very classic problem, that occurs in about 25 per cent of caseload, it's a very painful condition, heel pain starts because our foot has to interact with the ground, and grounds are hard and flat most of the time, So this plantar fascia tendon moves down and rotates down, every time we take a step. If there's a problem with the way our foot is functioning, If we have a tendency towards a flatter foot, If our foot tilts and rotates as we're taking a step, then it starts to irritate this tendon at its insertion. So it's something that happens to us later on in life, Oftentimes middle-aged, So 40 onwards, Often if you're a bit excessive in your weight, Any extra weight you're carrying will have an effect on your feet. And it comes about if you have a slightly flatter foot. sometimes, and not as commonly, You can have it from an injury. so if you've actually got a pressure, You've stumbled and you've torn the plantar fascia tendon, Then that will cause the inflammation around the tendon as well. But more commonly this is a chronic injury, not acute, And it comes about slowly and literally creeps up on you slowly. when you first come to a clinic, All podiatrists will look at your foot, ascertain the foot type, See if there's an underlying foot fault, That's contributing to this pain. We'll check out your calf muscles, Calf muscles are a very important part of heel pain. If there's any tightness, we'll immediately put you on a calf-muscle-stretching programme. foot pain is not normal, So always look into foot pain, ask your doctor, go and see a podiatrist,get some advice. The most important thing you can do is wash your feet daily. second thing is to moisture the skin on your feet. It makes a big difference. thirdly, be careful with the shoes you're wearing. don't wear too hight a heel for too long and too far. make sure the shoe is appropriate for what you're doing. If you're playing tennis, wear tennis shoes. For mountaineering, you have a mountaineering boot. just be shoe sawy, A very good idea for your feet.