Finger numbness - Left, right finger numbness causes and treatment

Left, right hand finger numbness causes and treatment. Numbness in little finger, Find the most interrelated symptom information.

Finger numbness ( Also known as numb fingers) can be caused by a damnification in nerve function.

The common causes of finger numbness:

1. Nerve injury - As stated above, finger numbness is principally caused by nerve harm.

2. Cervical spondylosis

3. Frostbite - Finger numbness in cold weather.

4. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)- Ecumenic care and Proper sleeping posture is important.

5. (Pernicious anemia) Blood supply deficiency to the fingers can cause this anaesthesia.

6. Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Self-prevention of finger tip numbness

Massag and foment accelerate the blood to circulate. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption, Avoid exposing yourself to cold conditions.

Treatment will depend on the radical cause and detailed symptoms. If you have finger numbness, please visit your doctor.